The closing for protection.


"When we heal ourselves, we heal others."

Sometimes, we open our hearts until we learn to close them. Having an open heart is good, but sometimes, we get carried away and give our heart to everyone and everything until we become empty and powerless. 

We give off our energy to others to assist or heal. Alternatively, we focus on hardships or the past too much until we feel the burden in our hearts, sometimes dwelling in pain for too long.

We put a concrete wall around our hearts to protect it, which is a burden; it hardens the heart. A heavyweight that stops us from progressing toward our goals or life purpose. 

Connecting with divine light filled with faith, love, and hope as protection comforts us like nutrients. We feel safe and sound and can still provide blessings and love to those around us. It comes with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding—the gift of putting ourselves in other people's shoes is compassion. 

It is essential to differentiate brick walls from divine light around our hearts. A brick wall can become a cage or prison, a dead end of a road to nowhere, and a limitation. Sunlight is reactivating; it gives life, growth, and expansion.

Let go of the old to welcome the new.

A minute of energy work, letting go, can help heal the body, mind, and spirit.

Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down, even when surrounded by people. Visualise negative energy and emotion releasing, traveling down from the body into the ground, deep down to the earth's core. Breathe in the new, Breathe out the old. 

Some toxic relationships need healing; read about Spiritual cord cutting with Archangel Michael here.

What does cord-cutting mean?

Cutting cords means spiritually disconnecting from a person or burning a bridge to disaster or unhappiness. There are different types of cord-cutting: permanent, redirecting back to the sender, or cord-cutting for loved ones to detach them from harmful activities or spiritual attacks.

Another form of cutting cords is to protect oneself from evil possession.

The devil takes over man's habits and will to become addicted to negative emotions, which can lead to inappropriate actions or loss of self-control.

Under evil attacks, an energy like a dark cloud bubble surrounds the body in the conscious and unconscious state. It controls human desire. In this stage, the conscious mind is active but hardly in control.


The desire to win in gambling, sensuality, to conquer, control, destroy, steal, alcohol, drugs, and gaming.

These desires lead a person to incessant actions to the point of distraction.

These are evil characters who sin. Evil possession is an amount of energy consciousness in the human body.

A mind-controlling evil agent comes as consciousness in thought form with information from human surveillance - the narrator of past events, confrontations, conflicts, and hardships.

Some come as negative emotions reflecting on past events to decrease frequency.

The dark entities are like dark clouds or bubbles floating around a person.


Distinguish good from evil.


From angelic realms: (messengers of God), spirit guides (ancestors, deceased loved ones, teachers in spirits, living persons in spirits).

The effect is healing and protecting.

Feeling: enlightened, relaxed, relieved, loved, and peaceful.


Evil always comes with consequences.

The effect is destruction and control.

Feeling: confused, restless, despairing, anxious, worried, and angry.

Here are some simple steps for reflecting on and differentiating the forms of emotions as the energy of ourselves, others, or the devil's agents.

  1. Learn about all emotions and how each emotion feels.
  2. Awareness. Recognize the archetype, character, boundaries, and actions of the self.
  3. Timelines. Practice time travel. Select an event, such as one minute or five minutes ago, to reflect on emotions. 
  4. Identify who it is. Who is thinking or speaking?

Ways to get loose of negative influences:

  1. Use authority. Say, "You, the spirit of confusion, anger, sadness, and guilt, I command you to bow, pack, and leave now and never return, in the name of Jesus Christ."
  2. Distraction: Focus on daily routines and priorities. Seek ways to be happy and raise vibration. 
  3.  Perception. We feel as we see. Some people see things differently. It is a self-programming or a mindset.

 "Let not your soul be empty; fill it with love and light." Always find a way to be happy and something to be grateful for and express gratitude.

Love, light, and blessings.

Violette Blue.


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