Spiritual Cord Cutting with Archangel Michael.

Spiritual Cord Cutting with Archangel Michael.

August 2018

To cut cords or ties with your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend.

Or cords with your enemies, friends, relatives, a toxic person.

There are two types of cords to examine before you begin.

  1.  Positive cords, healthy relationships.

The positive relationship between two people who combine love, care, and peace. A mother to a child, a friend to a friend or a co-worker to co-worker, etc. A positive cord carries the positive energy that goes back and forth when sending and receiving. Support, sympathy, appreciation, friendship, even if there can be hiccups or misunderstandings. The cords heal themselves cooperatively when both parties reconcile and establish between and among themselves.

  1. Negative cords, unhealthy relationships, 

The unhealthy relationships between two people, of which one person is toxic, and one is loving. It is a debate between a taker and a giver—an energy vampire vs. a supporter.

It doesn't matter how good you are to the person or how much time and effort you offer. You are a doormat. You feel miserable. With everything you do or how hard you've tried to change the relationship or friendship. You invest your time and energy to find out that you don't have time for yourself where you forget your own business. You fail to take care of your priorities and experience roadblocks or missing opportunities.

Here is how to cut cords.

1. Disconnect all connections in the physical world. Delete phone numbers, photos, and chats from your devices. Unfriend the person from your social media account: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Ignore and delete all incoming emails. Throw away everything you have from them, everything that carries that person's energy.

2. Meditate. Call Archangel Michael to come and help you cut the cords from that person. Set up for prayer.

Say: I call upon Archangel Michael, the angel, for strength and protection.

Would you please help me cut the energy cords with this person

(Say the person's name). Imagine the person in your third eye detached from your energetic field.

3. Healing. Ask Heaven to send you divine love and light for healing. Be it emerald green healing light from Archangel Raphael or white light from Heaven's Gate. Feel heavenly healing light shines on your body and runs through every cell of your body. You may need to take your time to relax after loosening and healing all cords.

You may need to cut the cords up to 10 to 20 times with the same person. A practitioner would need a couple of times. A professional can be successful with one touch. It is always worth trying if you practice cutting emotional cords the moment you are connected to a toxic person by simply turning your back on. The loads and weights of energy won't last long.


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