About me

Violette Blue was born a medium in a healer family. Her grandma was a professional psychic who was loved by many. In her youth, Violette Blue loved following her grandma to temples, where she learned much about spirituality. She combines her family's traditional healing with Western methods. She is a compassionate healer. 

She is a professional psychic medium, spiritual teacher, and healer. Visit her Webshop to book a private session or to enroll in her class. 

Services: psychic reading, spiritual development course. 

She is a passionate writer and painter. 

Her psychic abilities:

Clairvoyance (clear seeing, to see the unseen and beyond)

Clairaudience (clear hearing, sensitive hearing ability, to hear from spirits and the spirit worlds)

Clairsentience (clear sensing, to feel the emotions of others, physical pain, weather, events, global)

Claircognizance (clear knowing, the ability to know about information from places, people's personal information)

Clairalliance (clear smelling, the sensitive ability to smell a fragrance or odor from the spirit world or a distance on the earth plane)


The ability to see the future, knowing and seeing images and events before they happen. Violette experiences Deja Vu throughout her lifetime, in a waking state where she receives the visions and in a sleeping state as vivid dreams. Violette can also hear the messages from future events coming into her ears. She is a very well-connected soul.


The ability to see past information about a person or place. Violette can see the ghosts of living people and get information from the past while looking at the pictures. She also can sense the emotions and energies from places and the individuals in the photo in the present.


The ability to sense and see information from an object. Violette experienced her psychometry ability the hard way of getting attacked by the residual energy of a necklace, where she saw a vision of the maker of the chain—the past events, the jewelry workshop, and people having conflicts.

Astral projection and Lucid dreaming. Astral realms are an excellent place to explore dimensions and places and meet with your star brothers and sisters, ancestors, light beings, etc. Violette has been having experiences in astral projection (to travel with an astral body or the soul) and lucid dreaming (to control the dream).

Violette has seen spirits and ghosts since birth. A born medium, she began studying metaphysics, esotericism, and the wisdom of Buddha through her mother, grandparents, and mentors. 

Easy-going and open-minded, Violette's most pleasant memories involve intellectual conversations and life explorations. Furthermore, she enjoys a variety of hobbies: reading, cooking, listening to music, writing, watching movies, gardening, and painting. 

You can also visit Violette's blog to discover the world of the unknown as she has come to know it through lifetime studies. She has provided over 600 (stand 2018, she stopped counting since then) highly-rated readings while teaching mediumship and spiritual development. Today, Violette provides medium channeling sessions, tarot, oracle, gypsy card readings, distance Chakra, and energy healing, multi-dimensional reading with excellent feedback.

Enjoy visiting the website.

Thank you for stopping by!

Violette Blue


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