God´s Message: the Second Chance and Temple of the Holy Spirit.

In a world filled with chaos and wickedness, it can often feel like we are living under the regime of an outcast from Heaven. The prevalence of stealing, lying, and destroying oneself and others has become all too common. The toxins in plants, such as drugs, unhealthy foods, and other intakes, for example, alcohol, only add to the destruction that is happening all around us. 

The Misunderstanding of Using External Substances:

Some people use external substances to calm the mind in spiritual practices such as astral projection or lucid dreaming or to find happiness, which is fake and short-lived and leads to self-fulfilling prophecies, imagination, and illusions. 

True Happiness comes from Within:

By accepting oneself and working towards enlightenment, one must refrain from toxins. The misunderstanding of calming the mind by using external substances, instead it clouds the mind and causes the inability to think or react, and even the loss of memories. If left untreated, it can cause other diseases. First of all, to refrain from unhealthy intakes of any kind.

Fighting the Inner Demons:

When people find themselves caught up in a cycle of sin and rebellion against God, they may feel as though there is no way out. They may be suffering deep down, seeking help but not knowing where to turn. It takes courage to fight the inner demons that are leading them astray and to stand against the temptations of the devil.

The Father of lies, Lucifer, who was banned from Heaven:

The energy and history of the Father of lies and deception are a part of the 3D earth we live in. However, even those who have gone down the wrong path still have a second chance to turn their lives around. God offers a way out for those who are willing to seek it.

The Path of Goodness and Righteousness:

Individuals can learn how to align themselves with God's teachings by looking to examples of goodness and righteousness. Those who obey God and follow his commandments can serve as beacons of light in a world filled with darkness. By emulating their actions and seeking guidance, those straying from the path of righteousness can find their way back to God.

God gives Lucifer a second chance to return to him:

Even Lucifer, who was cast out of Heaven and became Satan, was given a second chance to do good and return to God. Despite this opportunity, Satan continued to rebel and sow chaos throughout the world. It is a reminder that even those who have fallen from grace can still choose to do good and seek redemption.

It needs courage to refrain from sins and become better than Satan:

As we navigate through a world filled with sin and temptation, it is essential to remember that God's love for his creations knows no bounds. He offers forgiveness and a second chance to all who are willing to seek it. May we all strive to become better than Satan, choosing to do good and aligning ourselves with the greater good of all living beings. Let us have clean hearts, bodies, and minds, and may our actions reflect the love and grace of God. 

The outcast of Heaven: Lucifer or the morning star who became Satan:

In the beginning, God created everything nice and clear. Then, a self-ego-based Angel Morning star-Lucifer wanted to be better than God the creator and rebelled against Him. Lucifer, who became Satan, should have known that he had no chance against the creator. What did Lucifer create until now? Nothing. He has no power and knowledge to create a thing. What he did and is still doing is copying God at the limitation of his uncanny and turning things to the bad. That's the truth of the story that many don't understand.

As in Heaven and so on Earth, Every action is recorded in the book of Karma:

The consequences will always be the same, to be banned from the host and society. "As in heaven and so on earth." Those who break the law of the good will face the consequences. But it is never too late; by repenting of sins and striving to do good, one may have a chance to find solace and the true meaning of happiness. It's hard work to be good while sinning is easy.

The human body is the temple of the Holy Spirit:

Learning to distinguish good from evil is essential to align with the universe and live a fulfilling life. This involves self-reflection and awareness of the body, mind, and spirit. By observing these aspects of ourselves, we can better understand what is beneficial and what is harmful to our well-being.

Practice awareness with self-reflection technique:

One way to achieve this awareness is through self-reflection. Take the time to observe how your body functions, your mind's state, and your spirit's condition. Are you feeling healthy and vibrant or experiencing limitations and discomfort? A clear mind is a sign of good health, while a clouded mind may indicate something is amiss.

Practice Awareness by Paying Attention:

Similarly, a healthy body is essential for overall well-being. Pay attention to what you put into your body, as unhealthy substances or food can hurt your physical health. By learning the limits of your body, mind, and soul, you can better understand what is beneficial and what is harmful to your overall well-being.

Time scales on self-reflection:

Take the time to reflect on your well-being over the past year or even just the past few weeks. When have you felt your best, and what factors contributed to that feeling of well-being? By understanding what makes you feel healthy and vibrant, you can make choices that align with your true self.

When a beautiful temple becomes a haunted house:

Whoever lives in a haunted house in their body doesn't feel good about themselves. They may experience feelings of sadness, anxiety, and self-sabotage. It is the fight of the good and evil in a human body. By striving to do good, repenting of sins, and seeking forgiveness, one can help to cleanse the temple of negative energies and prevent it from becoming a haunted house.

Negative energy in the body attracts more negative energy and entities:

This can happen when negative energies and entities are attracted to the temple due to the presence of sin, negativity, and evil intentions. Just as Lucifer's rebellion against God led to his fall from grace, the presence of sin and negativity in a temple can attract dark forces that can turn it into a haunted house.

The Holy Spirit is of The Divine Who Deserves a Sacred Space:

Remember that the human body is a temple of the holy spirit. If your body is unclean or unhealthy, the holy spirit cannot reside within you. Just as you would not visit a trash depot filled with rotten and smelly items, you should strive to keep your body, mind, and spirit clean and pure.

Distinguish the Good from Evil:

You can live a more fulfilling and harmonious life by distinguishing good from evil and aligning with the universe. Take the time to reflect on your well-being and make choices that support your overall health and happiness. Doing so can create a life that aligns with your true self and the universe. 

Coronavirus was a warning according to the Universal Law of Oneness:

The coronavirus pandemic has brought about a global crisis that has affected millions of people worldwide. It has shown us the importance of unity and the interconnectedness of all living beings. The virus has spread rapidly, causing immense damage and loss of life.

The Consequences of Spreading Illness:

In times like these, it is important to reflect on the message that God may be trying to convey to us. The pandemic has taught us the importance of caring for ourselves and others and being mindful of our actions and their impact on those around us. It has shown us that we are all part of a larger community and that our actions can have far-reaching consequences.

What do we learn from the Lockdown in Corona Crisis:

Learning from Lockdown, the restriction to meet up with other people so as not to infect the virus to others is to be mindful about. One who is sick or carries negative energy should not become a vector who seeks to make other people get sick like they are. Would you appreciate a sickness or turmoil you don't deserve it? Fairness is the key.

The coronavirus pandemic has taught us many valuable lessons. It has shown us the importance of unity, responsibility, and mindfulness. It is important to heed these messages as we navigate through these challenging times. Let us unite as a global community and work towards a brighter, healthier future. 


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