The Tree of Life VS The Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil

The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge are two significant symbols found in the Bible, each carrying its own unique meaning and significance. These trees have been the subject of much speculation and interpretation over the centuries, with many scholars and theologians attempting to unravel their mysteries.

"And out of the ground the LORD God made to spring up every Tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The Tree of Life was in the midst of the garden, and the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil." (Genesis 2:9)

In the middle of the Garden of Eden, two significant trees stood beside each other. The Tree of Life faces East, where the sun rises, and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil faces West, where the sun sets. Guardian Angels stand guard between them.

The Tree of Life.

The Tree of Life is first mentioned in the Book of Genesis, described as being located in the Garden of Eden. It is said to bear fruit that grants eternal life, symbolizing immortality and divine wisdom. The Tree of Life is often associated with the concept of eternal life and spiritual nourishment, representing the connection between humanity and the divine.

Encoding eternal life, immortality, and divine wisdom. Eternal life meaning is a soul and spirit that exist in every form and can inhabit living beings in all forms through incarnation as a multidimensional existence. Divine wisdom is the vibration and frequency one carries.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is also found in the Garden of Eden, alongside the Tree of Life. It is said to bear fruit that grants knowledge of good and evil, symbolizing the duality of human nature and the capacity for moral choice. The Tree of Knowledge is often associated with the concept of free will and the consequences of disobedience, as seen in the story of Adam and Eve.

Encoding duality, free will, and consequences: the duality of light and darkness, one's choice to stay in the light or darkness, which comes with consequences.

Genesis 2:16-17

16 And the LORD God commanded him, "You may eat freely from every tree of the garden, 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; for in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die." 

The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge are often seen as contrasting symbols, representing the choice between spiritual enlightenment and worldly knowledge. While the Tree of Life offers eternal life and divine wisdom, the Tree of Knowledge offers the knowledge of good and evil, leading to the fall of humanity.

The forbidden fruits of the Tree of Knowledge are often depicted as apples in popular culture, although the Bible does not specify the type of fruit. The act of eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge is seen as a symbol of the fall of humanity, as it brought sin and death into the world.


The Tree of Life is depicted as a green, living tree with a glowing aura of gold and white light.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is a tree of death with a black, gray and mud-white aura without luster.

Symbols meanings.

The sacred tree of life symbolizes enlightenment and ascension.

The Tree of Life appears to those who seek the enlightenment of the divine and practice the frequency of love and light. It symbolizes spiritual growth and abundance. 

The Tree is highly protected by the Angels of duty. Some believe it is Archangel Michael, the chief of the Angelic Army. Some believe the two Seraphim closest to the throne of God. Every step closer to the Tree of Life is another step it moves away.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is a pathway to lower dimensions. It symbolizes the concept of free will and the consequences of disobedience.

The serpent Satan was the only being on the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The only person to ever touch it was Eve, who took the fruit from it, ate it and gave it to Adam, causing the downfall of humanity.

Blame no one, said the Lord (Matthew 7:3–5).

One may have looked for knowledge of the unknown, ancient wisdom, and cosmic mystery. The knowledge comes to those who seek it. Knowing that you are strong enough to live the experiences others can learn from. 

The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge are powerful symbols that hold deep meaning and significance in the Bible. While the Tree of Life represents eternal life and spiritual nourishment, the Tree of Knowledge represents the duality of human nature and the consequences of moral choice. Together, these trees serve as reminders of the complexities of the human experience and the importance of spiritual growth and self-awareness. 

To remember: The duality of both Trees signifies the rise and fall.

Do's and Don'ts in meditation:

  1. Don't fall into a low vibration and focus on hurt feelings, fears, doubts and low vibration words or texts. The best thing to do is to avoid using low vibration words if you are very sensitive to energy.
  2. Shadow work, grounding meditation and energy cleansing to focus on letting go and releasing energy that does not serve life purpose. Not to relive it, but to address the cause to let go.
  3. Invite your guardian angels to be present in meditation and spiritual practice. Seek help by calling on your Guardian angels when you are feeling unwell. 
  4. Do not interact with images or scenes that you have no knowledge of; Be an observer, come out of it, think about it later. Later, you may find clues and meanings in books or spiritual insights online.
  5. Strengthen your connection with your protectors, such as Guardian Angels, Ancestors, or Ascended Masters.

Low vibration words: fall, give in, apologize, hurt, wrong, pain, etc.

High vibration words: love, light, heal, healing, divine, protection, etc.

Note: It depends on one's inner well-being to know when to do shadow work, deal with the cause, and put things right, not to relive it, but to let go.

In Buddha's teachings, it means to release all emotions, whether positive or negative, to be in a zero state such as emptiness or nothingness - the state of creation as a law of quantum physics.

Recommended video: The creation of all living beings: King of Glory on Youtube.

Bible verses about Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. Genesis 3:1-20


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