The lost puzzles in childhood and forgotten memories. Keys to soul codes and origin.


We are all born with supernatural gifts. The belief system has distanced us from our gifts. Think back; there are some situations in childhood that you would say, "Wow," how is it possible at such a young age? I remember the conversation between my auntie and me. She asked, "How old are you?" I replied, three. She said no, honey, you are two and almost three in some months. 

Reality check: Most children begin learning to speak around three. At almost three years old, I was able to respond in long conversational sentences: "Wow, incredible." Isn't it? There are further indications of psychic abilities in childhood, which I will discuss in other posts. Now, think about your childhood. What significant memory can you remember?

Many traces of childhood can lead to a better understanding of yourself, such as archetype and soul origin (starseed, other realms, planetary, constellations). Here are some traces that can help to mirror back in childhood.

  1. Recurring dreams and dreams that you can remember to this day. Some dreams are vivid. It feels so natural like you're living it. It's called lucid dreaming. You may have experienced a frightening situation that is out of place or non-existent outside the earth. You may think it's nonsense, but it's still annoying your brain. In the realms of information, space, and time, which include energy and matter, the action of one particle can trigger a reaction to another. It means the nagging information is trying to say something.
  2. Your younger self. When you look back and see an image or a movie scene of the past, you feel inspired by something. There can be a version of yourself who was loving, kind, and loved by many. There can be a short memory of seeing yourself having a self-talk or talking with an imaginary friend. Some people in childhood say something weird to you. Or, you ask yourself why you behave differently; your today's character wouldn't do. This one trace indicates that you might be a walk-in starseed who accompanies the human body but is not fully merged, but later, after the awakening, when the human soul leaves the body. 
  3. Your behavior in childhood. There are specific hobbies and favorites, which you do automatically. No one gives you ideas for doing things, but you start doing them alone. Something guides you to get materials; you work on it without pre-knowledge and can do it well—for example, writing poems, drawing, painting, handcrafting, and maybe cooking. But I am not a good cook; I like having my food served on the table. Lol, Just kidding; I do my best at cooking; it's edible and somewhat tasty. (yay). There are some sweets that I can do well; my ex-boyfriend, karma soulmate, who is piggy with everything, said I could open a coffee shop with these five recipes. I first messed up with different methods for making a biscuit roulade. I remember someone speaking to me while baking. I heard: Add this more and another less. Stir until. Heat the oven until, and bake for as long only. Leave it cold. Take this special marmalade. Roll it. Sprinkle icing sugar later. Finish. Years later, I realized I could receive guidance through telepathy from a spirit guide.
  4. Inborn gifts and abilities. The ability to carry out tasks without pre-knowledge and practice. Things you do the first time and get mega results that you wonder and ask yourself, who did it? In my childhood, I was in school, having drawing lessons. The teacher led us to a park and let us choose the drawing object. I prefer a big tree. Some kids choose smaller objects, and some have a walk around the place but do nothing. While drawing, the teacher and other kids look at my drawing skills, falling into the charm I give off—another drawing lesson in the classroom. The teacher gave me full marks and allowed me to present my drawing to everyone. Thirty years later. We lost a very important person in our family. It was hard to cope with sadness. Someone spoke in my mind about getting materials for painting. I didn't practice drawing much for a long time ago. I never used oil as a medium. I did it nice, unexpected. And other beautiful paintings followed. I then asked myself "how" and why I could do it without practicing. Days later, I meditated. In the blink of an eye, I was in a past timeline. I saw myself as an older man painting on canvas. Beside him was a dog. I saw him painting kids playing on a playground. His art was mesmerizing, so unique. He was a famous painter in Italy. He was alone and had no family but a dog. I understand his life; I burst out in tears, my body trembling. I came out of meditation, still crying hard and trembling. This ability indicates the gift of past life recognition, traveling realms, and timelines. To me, traveling the spirit world, the realms of non-physical beings, and outside the 3D earth, there are methods like trance meditation, remote viewing, lucid dreams, and astral travel. All of these methods lead to one another.
  5. Adventures and places. There can be hardships that signify your spiritual development, such as accidents and illnesses. Some people might have been to places of adventure to live the experience of starvation, isolation, near-death experience, or torture. Some adventures bring a person closer to nature. A long trip or a trip of the unexpected occurs to little meaning but is essential. The awakening phase already begins at a young age and through our lifetime. In all the hardships, some strengthen one's character, some are painful, and some are wonderful. Either it kills the human soul inside the body slowly for the walk-in to fully step in later on, or it activates the soul growth. Also, the signs of divine visiting, guidance, and protection in childhood are present in the surroundings and nature through lights on the body, symbols, or shapes of heavenly beings. Strangers that appeared when you needed help. Pathways are redirected to peaceful when in danger or stressful situations. It is the sign that your guardian angels watch over you and have a solid connection to the kingdom of heaven. You might be an earth angel, or one of your past life was in heaven. For starseeds, extraterrestrial souls, star beings, and other cosmic beings. You have been fascinated by stars and the universe since a young age. You visited an observatory. You always look up to the sky, gaze at the stars and over the horizon. Your soul's origin is outside the solar system and the earth, even though you might feel like an old soul who has an inner wisdom that is out of place and the earth's way of thinking. 

Some significant traits and signs in childhood are lost puzzles. When the time is right to understand more or get a grip on the puzzle you are looking for, it is when you have some questions in your mind and are looking for answers. When you get the pop-up memories, the universe responds to you.

Enjoy your ride.

Violette Blue


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