Cleansing and grounding meditation


Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down where you can not be disturbed.

Relax every part of your body. Do a small exercise, starting with your neck; move it to the right and left. Then, let your shoulders down. Now, breathe in and out. Take a deep breath in and out. Bring your awareness to the top of your head and imagine a ball of light moving through your hair, ears, neck, shoulders, spine, arms, fingers, hips, thighs, legs, and feet. Now, let the sun move through you from head to toe.

Close your eyes. Imagine the sun shining on your body.


"Dear Sun, please wash away all negative energy from my body and soul, down to the ground, to the Earth's core." "Thank you."

"Dear Sun, please cleanse all the energy that is not good for my higher self down to the ground, to the Earth's core. Thank you."

Or, "Dear Sun, please wash away my stress, sorrow, anger, greed, (insert other issues), from my body and soul, down to the Earth's core. Thank you." Do this repeatedly, if you must, until you feel the emotions fade.

Repeat the sentence slowly, and feel the sunlight running through every cell of your body, releasing and cleansing. You might feel a dark cloud in some spots, perhaps in your head or your heart. 

Direct the sunlight at these spots and have them cleaned.

Do this until you feel calm and collected.

(Your body should get warmer now, especially your hands. It indicates a success in connecting with the sun.) Amazing, right? In just a few minutes. (:

Prepare for grounding meditation:

Find a comfortable and quiet place. Sit upright on a chair with both hands on your thighs and your palms upward.

Visualize roots coming down from your feet, piercing down to the ground, the soil, underground water, lava, and rocks until you find the middle of the Earth, the loving mother Earth's energy. You will feel loved and warm at heart. 

You might see her red-pink color in your third eye.

"Dear Mother Earth, please help me stay grounded; please fasten me tightly to you, for I am not pending."

Take the energy from Mother Earth upward to your body, and imagine it to be a circle, a connection between you and her cycling.

Stay connected until you feel grounded. Say "Thank you."

Protection meditation.

***** Each time you call your spirit guides to step forward, you must try to see for real. Begin with visualization until you can see each of your spirit guides in your "inner eye" or "third eye."

***** The inner or mind's eye connects with the subconscious mind, things you have learned, seen, or experienced. You may not get a clear image but the outlines of an object or being, or no image at all but knowing what you receive.

***** The third eye connects with the Earth, above and beyond. You will see images, visions, and events in all colors, from black and white to colorful.

Prepare for meditation. 

Find a comfortable place to sit. With your feet on the ground and both hands palms upwards, you can take a cozy blanket to cover your lower body and feel safe and secure. Place a small light source in a corner, such as a candle or lamp.

Protection meditation. Connecting with spirit guides.

Spirit animal team.

Speak: I call upon my spirit team for protection, both spiritually and physically, as I begin my day. (Before I go to bed). Thank you.

Visualize your spirit animals coming to you; see a whole group of spirit animals coming out of a forest, one by one.

Node, and say: please be welcome. See spirit animals line up like a circle around your body.

Ancestor team.

Speak: I call upon my spirit team for protection, both spiritually and physically, as I begin my day. (Before I go to bed). Thank you.

Visualize your spirit guides, ancestors, and ascended masters coming to you. See your spirit team in the air in front of you. Nod and say, "Please be welcome. "

Angel team.

Speak: I call upon my spirit team for protection, both spiritually and physically, as I  begin my day. Thank you. (Before I go to bed). Thank you.

Visualize your angel team from heaven above, floating in the air on your right side. 



Thank you, angels, for my protection, both spiritually and physically.

I am safe and protected by the universe from all the energy that is not good for my higher self. Thank you.

I am safe and protected both spiritually and physically.

"I am an embryo of god; God protects me."

Create a light ball for protection.

Visualize a white light ball covering your body.

Stretch out your hands to feel the light ball. While creating a light ball for protection, use your feeling sense (Clairsentient) to feel your spirit guide around you, in the air, in front, and on the left side. And use your seeing ability (Clairvoyance) to see. If it feels hard to do, ask your angels to help you.


***** While speaking affirmation, try to feel a white light ball in your palms as you move your hands around your body in circle movements.

Speak: All the energy that is not good for my higher self cannot enter my light ball.

Whatever has been sent to me to harm and cause confusion, go back now to the sender and never return.

My happiness and higher self remain inside my light ball, both spiritually and physically.

"Thank you."

Chakra Affirmation:

1) Root Chakra: I am safe. I am one with Gaia.

2) Sacral Chakra: I am a beautiful being

3) Solar Plexus Chakra: I am free. I am strong.

4) Heart Chakra: I am love.

5) Throat Chakra: I am truthful and integrity.

6) Third Eye Chakra: I am what I am.

7) Crown Chakra: I am one with the universe.

You feel grounded and centered now.

Look up at your guardian angels. Can you see the colors of their hair? Are one, two, or more angels flying on your right side? 

Now, ask your angels some questions. What are their names? Ask your angels for insights into things you need clarity on and for help in relationships, careers, families, etc.

Do this practice at least seven days in the morning and before bedtime.

In between these days, when you feel ready, ask your angels to take you on a trip. 

You should be on a journey to some places where you feel and acknowledge your angel's presence all the time while you are out there. 

***** Take one or two chakra affirmations, repeating them until you reach a deep, relaxed state; speak to your angels and ask them to take you on a journey.

Write a journal about what you have experienced from this practice and the seven-day daily meditation.

Once you succeed, I'll assist you to the next level. I hope to meet you soon in the Spiritual Development course. Till then, Have fun!!!

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