High level of consciousness, duty of a lightworker, a pathway to ascension.


When you have reached a high level of consciousness and become an energy healer. You become an amplifier. The energy in you spreads out automatically, be it positive or negative. Maintaining a good mood and thoughts is advisable to balance and shift the energy in your surroundings, living space, and pathway to success in your career.

It begins with you. If you haven't already noticed, you are a part of the energy shift in your surroundings or even in a wider range. You had spiritual attacks throughout your lifetime. The greater you become, the more and more frequent the spiritual attacks from the opponent. You acknowledge the evil play how it tries to control you, bring you down, or block your paths. And every time, you become wiser and win against it.

Now you understand that you are powerful and a part of the ascension who have outgrown evil play. You are powerful. You did not know, but the attacker knows. A thief wouldn´t break into an empty house. There must be something great in you that the evil fears. That is why it keeps coming to nagging or pulling you down. You have seen through the wicked schemes. Now, you see it as small flies or kids playing in kindergarten. Where you know it has no chance against you. 

Your duties and ways of living have shifted into manifesting vibration and frequency. Here are some activities that help shift your inner well-being.

  1. Praying.
  2. Create positive energy.
  3. Spread out love and light from your overall being.
  4. Faith in all approaches, including the collective consciousness.
  5. Release negativities once detected.
  6. Spending time in nature.
  7. Learning new subjects.
  8. Release and detach from toxic relationships.

Your duties are like priests who meditate daily to maintain positivity in and out of your emotions, thoughts, and views. You are the automatic generator.

You do not interact with leading people with details of the cause and how to minimize or detach from the cause. Instead, you give them comfort, faith, and understanding, which makes them feel better, or words of wisdom you know they will understand later. Referring to the law of free will, you let them decide for themselves.

Your duties are like a power station, Like the sun that gives warmth, Like water that gives life, Like the wind that blows away dust, smells, and particles, Like the earth as stability, grounding, and loving.

You need not run around to save people or the environment. It is energy work as a light being who spreads love and light. 

Your job is like a castle for salvation, a garden for safety; with your positive energy, you create a safe zone with faith and trust for those around you, which feels grounded, loved, and secure. The stronger, the wider it becomes, which can go over lands, oceans, and out into the universe.

There are teachers whose job it is to teach, healers who specialize in healing, and lightworkers who create love and light to balance and shift the frequency of the Earth.

How do you know if you are at this stage?

  1. You become highly sensitive to negativity in every form: news, pictures, words, ideas, and world matters, even if they are in your own words or thoughts.
  2. You feel best when you are relaxed and detached from negativity.
  3. You shift your vibrations and frequency by the second you feel low, anxious, depressed, and powerless.
  4. You find ways to stay conscious.
  5. You don´t let negativities get the hold of you or overwhelm you.
  6. You release activities that don´t serve your purpose.
  7. You tell harmful noises in your head to go away.
  8. You are a manifesto; what you think becomes.

These are signs that you are at your best in overall being.

  1. Body, mind, and spirit are healthy simultaneously.
  2. You feel uplifting in and around your heart space.
  3. You can breathe freely; you feel relaxed.
  4. You feel a tingling sensation on your skin, which makes you feel awake, alive, and active.
  5. You don´t take things personally. You perceive information without getting affected.
  6. You decide what is good for you and concentrate on your tasks. 
  7. Letting go becomes easy for you.
  8. You understand that nothing lasts forever; there are periods and seasons to things.
  9. You have a positive outlook on your goals and solutions.
  10. You ride the waves instead of swimming through rough water.

The self-programming to stay above dark forces is to rise above it. To remain conscious, finding solutions to receive guidance or connect with the source or Akashic records without travel in meditation, channeling, lucid dreams, or astral projection is to match your vibration with those sources. 

The universal library of the source or, if you prefer, the word akashic records comes to you when you raise your vibration and frequency to align with it.

It feels like answers present themselves to you, popping up or seeing through a channel. When it happens, you feel no doubt. You feel calm, centered, and grounded. It is like a book with pages open for you to receive or read the information.

At the stage of ascension, there can be a swing up and down. Where there is light, darkness will come, trying to pull you down or get you to its side. Nevertheless, how hard it tries to win over you. You don´t accept it because you have a clear path to go. 

Quickly see through its game, let it pass by, or turn your back on it. Do things that make you feel good and happy. It will lose interest in you and move on.

Moods are contagious. You will likely get that good vibe when you see happy or positive people.

Greeting people with smiles, kind words, uplifting messages, and optimism can make your day or someone´s day favorable in a second.

The world needs more happy people. You can only attain abundance with a positive outlook. What you think, become. We all are writing our book of destiny. Let it be a good one for yourself and all the people involved.


  1. I am rich.
  2. I am healthy.
  3. I am wealthy.
  4. I am smart.
  5. I have everything I need.
  6. People love me.
  7. My family is doing good.
  8. My customers prefer me for my good work.
  9. I love money. Money loves me.
  10. I attract abundance.
  11. I am healthy; I am wealthy.

(Add your own affirmation: I am good-looking, I am enough, I am wise, etc).


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