Shadow work, how to recognize when it is enough?

Shadow work meditation is a method to reflect on past events, make peace with them, and let go.

Shadow works by listening to music, such as broken-hearted songs. 

When the music plays, the listener lets go of his experience related to the lyrics. It is healing and helps release deep pain.

Some deep pains tuck inside the heart to numbness, like a frozen mountain, or a concrete wall around it. Until one day, you get carried away, and something triggers you to fall deep inside that trauma. The more you sink into this low vibration, the more you feel your heart breaking and losing. Slowly falling into darkness, this low vibration keeps pulling you in as if hundreds of dead people´s hands are trying to pull you into hell alike. 

Then somebody rescued you through a text messenger or a call. 

It is how your guardian angels help you. Often, your guardian angels speak through other people so you can get the message. When I feel sad, grieving about my passed-over family members, I focus on it too much until something distracts me from it. Be it a golden light passing me by at the corner of my eye or a flower growing out of place at the door blooming, which I have not noticed before. Or seeing a feather on my path makes me turn my head in the direction. It helps me come back to my senses.

Meditation can help release negative energy and emotions. You feel centered and grounded afterward. Yet, sometimes, when you lose consciousness while meditating, you can fall into believing the spoken words from guided meditation or hypnosis. I often get headaches when listening to a hypnosis-guided meditation, so I stop it. It is my self-defense mechanism generated from the brain or my higher self. 

Later, I was more open to new ways of learning in spirituality. I would listen to any of the material that pops up. Some are free; some let me pay more and more money nonstop. When you buy one of the products, it suggests you buy another product, which would cost 199 dollars, but today, because it is you, you will get it for 29 dollars. You buy the second product, and then the third product appears the same way until you buy five products, which cost you 150 dollars altogether. And it would have cost you 700 to 1000 dollars at the regular price. What a mind-manipulation tactic!

So, I listened to an earth-resonance frequency, which was so low. Then I listen to past life regression audio. It pulled out my pain to the surface. Slowly, I sank into low vibration. While still half asleep but conscious, a beam of light came down on my head and washed me clean. I came back to my senses.

At first, I believed that it was the way to help me connect with the divine light. I have had this conclusion set in my mind for months. I tried to practice this with the same past life regression again, but something stopped me from doing it all the time.

A thought that keeps coming to me reminds me of when I once sat on a chair in the garden and felt a strong pull of energy. It felt like I was falling into a dark hole of energy—an unknown place or dimension. At the very close, I came back to my consciousness with the help of my nephew through a text messenger, who kept chatting with me until I was wholly out of it.

Another thought that keeps showing up. I see myself sitting on a yoga mat, meditating with a YouTube-guided meditation for forgiveness. That day, I came across a YouTube video suggested by a well-known meditator. A woman´s voice from the video made me think of people who did me wrong. I should visualize these people before me and reflect on how they have wronged me. I did as she said. I then spoke as she dictated to apologize to them. After I said, I am sorry to the ghosts of these people. My heart hurt so much. I felt like someone took my authority. I was lost and falling into a dark force. Again, at the very close, someone texted me. It distracted me from the evil play, and I was safe again.

Some moments later. I told myself that it made no sense to me to apologize for things I didn´t do. I understood at that moment that this was a mind-controlling to become enslaved. To me, the reality check is that those people must be the ones who apologize to me.

These two visions popping up in my mind are messages from my higher self, or my spirit guides that I was safe by the divine light when meditating with past life regression audio, which I paid a lot for. It signifies another mind-controlling trap that makes me feel caged, helpless, unauthorized, hopeless, painful, and heartbroken. As these negative emotions arise, I lower my vibration to fall into the game of the devil directly.

Other times, when I listen to sad songs, I easily fall into low vibration. I quickly changed to uplifting music instead.

Some sad songs can help to release a burden from your heart. But there are differences to this. The effects of healing are relieved, energized, and free, but not the opposite. Bad medicine makes you feel worse. Once I realize this, I don´t allow my moods to sink into sadness, hatred, anger, or depression ever again. 

There are ways to help raise vibration and moods: doing house chores, studying, working, doing a body workout, exercising, walking in nature, reading good books, having intellectual conversations with like-minded people, and listening to music. It is to distract oneself from what doesn´t serve your life purpose. What you focus on is what you are allowing to happen. 


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