Connecting with the divine golden light of the ascended master Jesus Christ.

16 June 2019

Holding a crystal can bring calmness and release negative energy, worries, fears, stress, and more. 

You can pick the right crystal for the right situation to meditate.

Begin with cleansing auras and emotional healing to bring your emotions to a neutral state and a heart-opening sensation, inspiration, creativity, and compassion for a specific use.

For urgent protection or healing from psychic attacks, use smoky quartz or a dark stone like black obsidian, rock crystal with chlorite, Labradorite, etc.

A must-have crystal is a clear quartz point in naturally found shape or polished forms. A clear quartz crystal brings positive energy and recharges other crystals and quartz. 

Begin with choosing a crystal that you feel drawn to. It can be an Amethyst rock or a tumbled stone. You feel drawn to an Amethyst; for example, it could mean that your third eye chakra needs to rebalance.

When you deeply tap into a higher frequency, this happens when you feel calm and collected. And you can focus on one thing that is in front of you. At this stage, your mind is clear. Your mind is not wandering elsewhere. You are in the here-and-now state. 

You are going further when you become more relaxed at the state of no existence, beyond the usual perception of this realm of the third dimension. Here, you are going higher up to a higher frequency to connect with the divine beings.

Your spirit guides can appear to you when you match your frequency with theirs. 

In the pictures above, the blue and golden light rays appear on the crystal in my hand. No other background light sources could be reflecting on the crystals. 

I read and examine crystals in this room almost every day. There are hundreds of crystals in this room. When my vibrations are low, there is none of this kind of phenomenon.

While I was observing the crystal, the crystal began to shine at some moment. The different turns I take, the more it brings me somewhere - else, an even more peaceful feeling. I forgot where I was. The one thing I noticed was the shimmering light coming out of the crystals.

And then I feel "compassion," The state of empathy, gratitude, and forgiveness.

And so I think deep in my heart that I can love again.

"In the Lord we trust."

Thank you so much for your protection.

Thank you so much for teaching me how to love again.




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