How to use your super intuition.

It is like a guessing job, is it not?
No, it isn´t.

We often hear someone say they guessed right, and they were right because they knew the possible outcome.
But when there are no material clues to guess, they will make a false prediction, which is prejudice.

Some people are born highly intuitive; others become so.
Is it a psychic power?
Yes, in a way. And everyone can have it.
Intuition knows some information, such as finding a trace of someone -- what they might be doing at the moment, where they are, and how they are feeling or an answer to something.

You don't have to be an empath using clairsentience (the ability to feel the emotion of others) to be able to sense someone´s well-being or whereabouts.

When you are aligned with the astral energy of the universe, you might have an antenna or GPS integrated within you.
Or you are the kind of person who can receive universal wisdom.

If a nonphysical being is whispering in your ear or speaking in your mind, you would know that it is different than being connected to the source.

It feels like a light bulb is turning on your head when you receive the information. You can't explain why you know it—you just know it.

You see a short movie scene in your mind about someone you know, and the person tells you about that same incident a week later. This experience indicates that you can receive visions like a clairvoyant, who can see things that are not there in the physical world beyond our dimension.

How to trust your super intuition.
1. You don't have any influence over emotions, whether your own or others.
2. You have no fear, no worries.
3. You are open to receiving.
4. You are willing to see beyond the visible.
5. You aim for it.

Practice 1
1. Tell your own and other people's thoughts apart. You need time to practice this, so be patient. With time, it will become a habit and an integral part of you.
2. Whenever you receive information that seems to pop into your mind out of nowhere, it is likely that it is just as it is. Sometimes there may be blurred visions; sometimes, sharp visions come along with words and sentences. Don´t mind; just watch and listen; think about it later.
You see it in your mind´s (third eye), not your physical eyes. Often, it is unsharp, but it´s ok.

You can still check it up by asking yourself:
Was it me who created this thought, or have I just received it?
My emotions were normal, then suddenly angry or sad or stressed, even hateful (don´t let it have the upper hand over you once you recognize it for what it is from the other thing you are sensing; leave it.
Close and come off it. Thoughts are energy, and energy, like waves, has no distance. If the link exists, a person sitting ten thousand miles away can still hear or sense other people´s thoughts. Don´t worry about this; believe me, nobody is very curious about other people´s matters and is spending every day just playing a detective unless they sense something wrong or the information just comes to them; thus, only they and rarely anybody else. When a ghost appears to you, it is unlikely they will show themselves to everybody; they chose to come to you. It is the same.

Practice 2
1. Do some guessing jobs like playing the quiz. You don´t just guess but tune in for the correct answer. Most quizzes are based on history and existing knowledge. Tune in as if you are in a library.
2. Work on controlling your emotions. Do not panic if you are in a stressful situation.
3. Grounding meditation: Calmness is necessary.
4. Learn breathing techniques.
5. Focus on the task and whatever you want to know; have only this in your mind
and shut off everything else.
6. See what comes to mind. Determine your own or somebody else's.
7. Have a reality check as a result.

One thing that makes it difficult to do is that we as humans create our own thoughts, often influenced by our emotions: worries, fears, anxiety, stress, and anger.

My mom would always do it. I would only speak out the name of a person I know, someone she has never seen, and she would already know how rude the person could be, and it turned out that she was right.

I was asked to find a person´s whereabouts. I tried to figure it out at first, but then, my mind was still; then, a ping popped up in my mind.
I knew that the person was coming out of the cinema. One or two minutes later, the person in question texted me and said so.

There were some other things about the well-being of somebody. There was another "Ping" again. It felt like it came out of nowhere; the information was just there. There is a link between the here and there.
It takes work to do. It depends on your body, mind, and emotions. Plus, if it means for you to access the information, you can, or you just sense nothing or a tiny part of it. We must accept this, knowing it is for our own good. One handles some materials, such as information, unlike the others. And the reaction to things is different, and time plays a big role.

The most important thing is acknowledging the difference between real and unreal, reality or prejudice, yours or others.

Indeed, it is much easier to sense the information about someone you know than a stranger.
Is the link open for you, or is it not?

Talking about "the link" is like a bridge between the two. Two wires bond in one, forming a circle like a ring, which can go back and forth, sending and receiving.
Beware whom you are sending your thoughts to; when you do this, the link is open between you and him/her. If the person is cruel, they carry brutal negative energies in their body (soul), and it is possible that you can feel and attract the energies to your energetic fields. It can follow you like a shadow until you turn your back on it or let it go; you can feel the energy, but you don´t have to let it in.

On the other hand, if the person is full of positive energies in their body and soul, you feel good by that person's thoughts, and you attract those energies to you as well. So, be careful who you open the link with to your thoughts and mind.


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