Are you a multidimensional traveler?

Are you a multidimensional traveler?

A multidimensional traveler lives in multi-dimensions.
The perception of the physical plane mixes with other dimensions.
Multidimensional travelers see both the physical layers and other dimensions at the same time.

Symptoms of multi-dimensional travelers.
1. A multidimensional traveler sees things that others can not see.
2. They have the potential to look through other dimensions.
3. They have perceptive abilities of more than two hundred percent.

How do you know if you are a multidimensional traveler?

1. You see pictures of places, events, etc., when you close your eyes, often when you are relaxed and not focused. The scenery of an event or an area you have never been to in this lifetime.

2. It occurs unexpectedly. Imagine you are sitting in the kitchen, and a movie scene of someone you know appears in the air. The room seems to have disappeared; you only see the vision in front of you.

3. You misplace things. Even you know precisely where you put it. You still can not find it. Later, months, or a year, you find it in a strange place you would never have imagined.

4. When viewing pictures or photos. You can see the event behind the postures of the day behind the photo of the people shown there. You see pictures on the web and water, trees, ships, and boats moving inwards, outwards, or left or right.

5. You are a vivid dreamer. Sometimes you wake up in a dream, even though you do not know to have lucid dreaming.

6. You can travel astral, whether you can control it. You may have felt before awakening to return to your body and can not remember where you were.

7. You see things that other people can not see: a form of energy, a figure over or behind another person's head. You probably are seeing the soul, the aura, or the true self of others who come from other realms.

8. You love animals, trees, and nature. You find tunes to connect with them.

9. You walk on the street to meet someone, eagerly looking for them, but you pass by. Chances are you find yourself in an overlapping dimensions time loop.

How can one live as a multidimensional traveler?
First of all. All beings on the physical plane came here to do something meaningful.
You can be a teacher who helps heal others by giving them knowledge or helping them spiritually.
You can be a soldier who trains, leads, or teams up with your colleagues.
You can be waiters, supporters, doctors, etc. You are here to do your duty on earth.

A multidimensional traveler who has already awakened knows that there are events or problems to be cured. It can be people from all walks of life with whom he interacts. It can be a family tradition that needs an update or a reform. And also to change or refine your life path.

Everything is NOW!
It means that what happens in this reality influences other realities.
You, from other dimensions or realities, came here to change the habits of how you live your life in this reality for a better result. Everything connects with everything.
Call it a snowball or butterfly effect. When a molecule runs wild, it affects the other particles. The past, the present, and the future can change with one silly action.

Death is not the end; there is life after death. At the conscious level, you will travel on, be reborn on the physical plane, or ascend to higher realms or dimensions.

You can only say if you saw someone dead and talked to them. The human body is a shell. The actual being of each being is the consciousness in the soul energy. If you have met extraterrestrial beings, star beings, or beings of other realms or have traveled there yourself or have the above symptoms, you are becoming a multidimensional traveler.


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