What can you benefit from spiritual development.

Spiritual development is about learning how to align your body mind and soul together for the best functional results.

No matter what job you do. You can work in the service area as well as consultant activities. Some remain a housewife, others make their profession in sales, as a teacher, musician, painter, doctor, etc. Clear thinking, sympathy, emotional balance, and inner strength can be a tremendous benefit through regular spiritual training.

It's not just the gifted fortunetellers who sit meditating daily. Athletes, musicians, businessmen/women, students make their couple of minutes of meditation before they begin their work. Especially then before they get started with their performance. Praying is a method of meditation. Although it seems so short for some people. You can occasionally increase the duration of your prayer/meditation time. And so it automatically becomes a deep meditation without being noticed.

The outer shell (the body) may be healthy but if the inner world (mind and soul) is suffering. It can lead to complications. Even the healthiest person can break down when the inner (the soul) is breaking and thus the thoughts are buzzing or swirling in the air.
Be one with your body, mind, and soul. Because one can not survive without the others. The well being of the three sources is important. Give the well-being to your body, mind, and soul. Heal, if you must.

The more so if you master special abilities.

1. ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), also called sixth sense or second sight includes claimed reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses but sensed with the mind.

2. Psychic abilities, the Claire´s (Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizance.)
For daily use, you can benefit from these psychic abilities. It is the mind and the soul that will give you signals in which one of the psychic abilities is needed when and how you will use them.

1. The clear hearing sense (Clairaudience).
     If your hearing sense is sensitive. You hear more than a normal person does. You will hear every little tiny noise, sound, melody from near or far. You will be alert at all times. You know when to focus on a single sound of many others around it.

2. The clear seeing ability (Clairvoyant)
     If you have sensitive clear seeing senses. You are very perceptive. Your right brain for creativity is somewhat more in charge than your left brain for logical thinking. You might get visions from the present, past, or future while you are having other activities or while working, or sleeping. And you seem to see through people or a situation and have vivid dreams as a warning sign where you can get insights or knowledge to the things your higher self wants you to know.

3. The clear sensing ability (Clairsentience)
     If you are a Clairsentient. You have the sensitive sensing ability to feel other people´s emotions, such as the sensing of the energy from places. When someone is down, angry, or sad you will pick up right away and you know how to help or to stay away from.

4. The clear knowing ability (Claircognizance, Intuition)
     If you have a keen Intuition. You might receive information that comes in or popping up in your mind. Or you might get the gut feeling about something when someone is talking with you about themselves or other people or a situation.
The benefit of developing your spiritual senses is a wide range of knowledge whether you become a professional psychic or use it in other occupations. Everything teaches you something. Even a perspective of a child. No one is a know it all. We learn from each other all the time.


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