Heavenly signs from your Angels and deceased loved ones.
Heavenly signs from your Angels and deceased loved ones.
Everyone has had a guardian angel since birth. Your angel guides you and protects you through your lifetime. We are truly connected with our angels when our consciousness is on a higher level of perception. Often called gut feeling or intuition. Those tiny little voices behind your head or from your right ear are from your angels. Voices in your left ear are from your spirit guides, your ancestors.
Sometimes we are off track, attached to negative energies: anxiety, worry, and stress. Our third eye or intuition is off balance. We cannot perceive or receive information from spirit realms even though they keep speaking in our ears. Our angels and spirit guides find ways to communicate with us. Here are signs your angels are trying to connect with you.
1. Feathers in white, brown, or black are signs of your angels or guardian angels visiting and supporting you at that moment. Your Angels help you with comfort and loving energy through hard times. If you find a feather on your path, you know that the angels are there to send love and protect you, to assure you that everything is ok, or it means I'm here with you. And sometimes, it can also mean a yes to the question that you had in mind.
2. Coins, dimes, quarters, nickels, pennies, etc. Mostly, the male spirit guides use this sign to show you that they are there. Finding coins on the ground signifies a visit from male ancestors, often the elderly from your family. The presence of coins comes with the energy of strength and faith.
3. Flowers out of season, out of place. Flowers or plants that grow in odd places remind you of your deceased loved one. The blooming flower blooms in the middle of all the withered flowers covered by snow from summer, which is a sign of a passed person who loved gardening and flowers so much. Your deceased loved one tells you they are there to guide and protect you.
4. Smells or scents of perfume or flowers. If you smell someone's odor or aroma from a deceased person, it indicates that your deceased loved one is there with you for a visit.
5. The smell of wood, smoke, or tobacco is a sign of a deceased male who worked with wood or had smoked Tabacco. It can be your father or grandfather.
Each of the characters is individual. Sometimes, there can be heart shapes of flowers or stones in a strange place and peculiar way. Who would make a big heart out of rose stems that look like the art of nature? Even though you know, the rose stems looked the last couple of days differently? And why did the heart balloon land in your garden? So accurately that you are the one who would find it? It is unique, so memorable as if someone would put it in the middle or next to the place you would not think would be there.
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