Theta state of meditation in five minutes.

Theta state of mind meditation in five minutes.

Sit on the ground or the floor. Make yourself feel comfortable.
Place your thumbs and your index finger together on your thighs.

When you start doing this, say a commando to your subconscious mind.
"I am going to go into the deep state of meditation."

You should be feeling relaxed. Now count down internally from 10 to 1.
(You can practice by counting from 20 to 1.
Once you get used to it, try counting from 10 to 1.)

Take a long breath in and out. In and out. Three times.
Inhale....and exhale.....

Now, try to focus on your breathing.
Any thoughts that come in can be released quickly when your eyes are tightly closed,
and you only focus on your third eye.

You may see indigo blue color, purple, or light pink as a cotton-like shape or clouded shape
going out from your third eye. This indicates that your third eye is active.

Focus on your breathing; take a deep breathe in and out as you continue,
you will fall into a deep state of meditation automatically.


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