What does being a medium mean?

What is mediumship, and what does being a medium mean?

When people hear the word "medium," many of them think that mediums are people who talk with the dead. Well, that´s not all. There is more to this.

Psychic mediums are conduits that connect with spirit guides, guardian angels, and beings from other realms. Also, the psychic medium uses their psychic abilities to help their clients make decisions, life coaching in family, love and relationships, career, etc. Many mediums have specific additional psychic abilities that can provide you with aura readings, photo readings, finding objects or missing people, palm reading, astrology, past life reading, chakra healing, energy healing, etc. Not all mediums can do all of this. You will have to read their offers.

People who have experienced seeing, hearing, and feeling the presence of spirits are medium, yes, but they are not a practitioner or experienced mediums. Unless they have learned to connect with the spirits and can deliver the messages from the spirits to the living relatives.

An experienced or professional psychic medium can talk and connect with the spirits, your deceased loved ones, and your spirit guides.
They can convey messages from the spirits. And can identify who the spirit is, how he/she died, the date of passing, birth date, etc. Also, the information about the clients which only some people know.

A medium uses at least one to three psychic abilities to connect with the deceased loved ones, aka yours, and their spirit guides. These abilities are clear seeing ability (Clairvoyance), clear hearing ability (Clairaudience), clear sensing (Clairsentience), clear knowing (Claircognizance), or mind-to-mind communication (Telepathy).

Those who have been crossed over after they died have had a transition into the light.

Those who have not been crossed over to the light are earthbound spirits.

Why don´t some spirits go to the light?

1. They have unfinished businesses on the earth. The unfinished businesses are misunderstandings, truths that much be told, messages that need to be delivered to the living relatives, worries, holding on to the memories, etc.

2. They stay to protect and guide their loved ones and friends.
In a clan or family, protectors of wisdom, land, and traditions need to be carried on. Your ancestors are your protectors, teachers, and guides, even though you have never met them in a lifetime.

3. They missed the timing to go to the light. What is white light?
White light, or the light channel, is the portal or an elevator to crossing over to the spirit world. The light channel is available up to 8 months after their passing. If they missed the opportunities to go into the light. They may need help from a medium or a lightworker such as priests, monks, etc.

Prayers always help. Keep praying to heaven. Light a candle, put some flowers in the jar, or at the graveyard of the passed person. Pray for them to find love, light, and peace in heaven. With this interaction, you make a clear indication. And you are likely helping your deceased loved ones through the transition to finding love and light.


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