Salt for spiritual protection.

Common table salt or sea salt for spiritual protection

The use of common table salt or sea salt for spiritual protection. Sea salt as a neutralizer of the energy in the surrounding.
Negative energies in the form of emotions are frustration, stress, sadness, greed, low-self esteem, worries, grief,
heartache, anger, etc. The energies sit firmly on the floor, on the couch, on the clothes, shoes, on the curtains, on the
chairs, and everywhere. If there was a visit of people who carried a lot of worries and stress or anger. This can be a friend, neighbor, or postman bringing you a package. After some time, you only feel tribulation in your house.

Actually, you have nothing to worry about. Not anything of big deals, so to speak. Your life is the same as usual. But why suddenly do you feel that there is a blockage? Nothing works.

Time to clean up the house and release it from outer influences.

1. Sea salt as a neutralizer.
Sprinkle the sea salt everywhere, on the floors, couches, and carpets. Allow the sea salt to neutralize the energy for at least 6-8 hours. Clean up the sea salt and throw it away.

2. Sea salt as a protective barrier.
Take a few glasses. Fill the sea salt into the glasses and place the glasses on the floor or window sills or tables. Put the glasses in each corner of the chosen room. Put a glass of sea salt under your bed for extra protection.

3. House cleaning.
Free your entire house from negative energies. Give some of the sea salt in the water bucket. Clean the walls and floors with saltwater. Also, you can give some sea salt in the washing machine to wash away the negative energy from your clothes.

4. Body Cleansing. Energy purification in your body.
The uncomfortable feeling is because of the effect of negative energy. Take a bath with bath salt. If possible, take lavender oil for bathing additionally. Light a candle, make a clear statement and invite the divine light in.

5. A reverse stunt, back to the sender.
Fill the sea salt in a bowl and add three chili pods. Put the bowl in front of the house. You can add fresh or dried Chili to the bowl. After some hours, if the Chili changes its color or has some dark spots, an attack was sent to you purposely. The whole process works with its sense of purpose when you connect with the higher power. Speak about what the ritual should bring you. It is a request for help from the guardian spirits or the higher power to complete the ritual.

Speak: "Oh, Lord, or guardian spirits, the holy spirits, please help me bring the house in peaceful light and order; thank you.” Bring a new flair to your living space. Move chairs, couches, tables, etc., into a new position. Leave them for 6-8 hours and move them back to the previous places. Or bring in a whole new style. To find out if any negative entities activities in your living space, especially when you feel the atmosphere is gray or the density of the air, and you have trouble sleeping. Put a glass of water under your bed. Let it be there for a night. Look into the glass the next day to see if you can see any other inhabitants there. It may look like jelly, a gray body of molecules, or flying dust. If yes, you need extra help.


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