Release and Greet with nature.

Meditation has become one of the most recognized methods
to release trauma, anger, anxiety, worries, and stress.

There are some useful meditation styles one can choose to adopt.
Let us try the easiest of them:

Walk. Walk up and down as well as back and forth. Concentrate on the steps you make until
you feel calm and grounded.
Sit. Sit still; connect with your natural self. Let all your worries and anxiety flow down your body and into the ground.
Listen to music. Music heals. It helps release emotions and pain.
It can also increase your vibrancy.
Go out into nature. Meet, greet, and talk to a tree or plant. Even if it is a weed in a meadow, pay attention to it. Put your hand on it and feel the mother-given nature.
Look above you. Look up there in the sky, at the clouds or the birds.
You can feel the warmth of sunlight on your skin. You can feel the wind blow on your cheek.

Open yourself so you can release the old and receive the new.
You will get the feeling that you are releasing yourself.

It´s not as though sitting and meditating means you have to set yourself up for anything.
When you find yourself sitting and thinking of something that keeps hunting you, you are already in the depths of your thoughts. Now shift it into the progress of mediation. Okay, then, TAKE A DEEP BREATH and let it go. Feel it flowing down from your body and soul. Direct it down to the ground, through the soil, to the middle of the earth.

Repeat it: Breathe in and breathe out.
Breathe in the new; breathe out the old.

You can do this at any time and any place, even when you are with other people.
When I am with other people, I will do the five- or ten-second releasing internally.

When it is too much to release, I will take my alone time sitting somewhere or
walking around in nature and release it intentionally.

It is your will that can make this happen.
It is your command that is necessary to make it complete.

Say an affirmation: I have released it. It is all gone. Goodbye, bad memories. Goodbye pain. Don´t come back to me.
I welcome only exceptional individuals in my life. Do this until you feel lighter and free.

You can draw a line visually on the ground, the concrete, or the floor.
Wherever you are standing or sitting, step over the line
and leave all sorrow, worries, stress, anxiety, insecurities, etc. there.
Walk away; don´t worry about it. It will sink into the ground and vanish with time.

Say an affirmation: I am good. I am strong, rejuvenated.

Now, you have successfully refilled your energy.
Give a little smile for yourself. Feel as if you are giving a pat on your shoulder.
Good job. Let´s continue with daily life.
Embrace and create. Be open to joy. "Who seeks, finds."

Repeat the session anytime you like.


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