How to meet your Guardian Angel.

How to meet your Guardian Angel.

Everyone has one or more Guardian Angel who accompanies them throughout a lifetime. Your Angel has been through happiness, sorrow, and pain with you all the time; you might not know it.

Think about some experience when you got lucky by getting help from someone and felt like a miracle had happened.

For example, you were sad, and some stranger just popped up and listened to your stories, or you almost missed a train, but it arrived some minutes later than the schedule, and you could catch it at the last moment.

Someone was behind these actions, which we call coincidence or luck. That someone could be one of your deceased loved ones or your Guardian Angel.

When you are in touch with your Guardian Angel, things get much better, and you feel loved and protected just by calling out to your Guardian Angel. Your Angel helps you release worries, and anxiety and keeps you safe.

First, you would like to know the name of your Angel.

Before going to bed, take a pen and paper. Please write down your request and put it under your pillow.

For example, write:

"Dear Guardian Angel, (Say your name: "I am...")

I want to get to know you; please tell me your name.

I would like to see you; please show yourself to me."

(Note: You often see them in your mind's eyes like a vapor with an angel shape wearing a white dress, so close your eyes and try to see.)

You will get your answer in the next few days. I had my answer a day later while walking around my house.

I heard a voice in my mind whispering a name. I was sure to remember it quickly. It was a beautiful name.

There was another time when I called out for my Angel. In a short moment, while in a trance between the conscious and falling into the unconscious, I felt a warming breeze touching my arm. It consoled me,

and I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

When I finish my grounding and protecting meditation, sometimes, I talk to my Angel and ask for advice.

Also, I ask my Angel to assist me when I am away and getting worried about some issues.

How do you know if it is your Angel and not somebody else?

  • Angels only positively speak of something good. They are divine beings with pure energy that feels uplifted and free.

  • A flash of light passes you by. The light contains yellow, gold, and sometimes (rarely) spectrum colors and reminds me of a Hawaiian T-shirt. Sometimes, the light is white (your spirit guide or deceased loved ones).

You feel good when your Angel is around. You feel firm, grounded, and loved.

I hope this helps.


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