The good and bad side of spiritual learning.

The good and bad side of spiritual practice.

June 25th, 2019

Yin and Yang. Meaning: the good and the bad, the good in the bad, and the bad in the good. Symbols: Black and White, Powers: Masculine and Feminine, Fire, and Water.
As a double-edged sword in spiritual practice, there can be rise or fall, support or destruction.
Everyone, beginners and advanced, can receive psychic attachments or attacks (lower or negative energy) from humans or non-physical beings with whom they interact. Recognizing these attacks quickly enough to fend them off or protect yourself is worth it.

We all need a second opinion. What matters is where the advice is. And how to apply healing that suits your situation.

All the virtuous teachers and mentors I've met have never said they're the best or that their teachings and methods are unbeatable standards. They still need to be better. There are factors. The first on the list is who and how the knowledge is used and performed. Learning from experience is excellent. Also, in a group. But is it a group of teens or a group with experts?

Do not get me wrong. In combat, leaders with years of experience and knowledge can see through the situation to solve problems with proven methods that work. From the dishwasher to the manager. From a seed in the dirt under the ground to a mature flowering tree. From the first step, up the stairs. Every little step promotes growth.

The basic knowledge is like the basement of the house. Without stability, the house tumbles with time even faster if a hurricane whines around.
"Knowledge is power. Experience makes a master."
You can successfully do new exercises on the first or second try.
If you want to master something, you must practice and put it into use ten or a hundred times. So you can go right.

What are the bad sides of spiritual learning?

1. Bad sides of spiritual practice happen when, for example, you get an attack from unwanted energy, and you do not know how to cope with it or heal yourself.

2. Your prediction or analysis is wrong because of lacking reasoning or morals. 

3. You get overwhelmed often and quickly. It happens when your protection is not enough.

4. You need more focus. It happens when all is too much for you at a time. Every beginning is hard. Step back to normal and come back to practicing again. Take a holiday if you must.

5. You blame others for your own mistakes. It is the first step to becoming delusional when lacking moral study.

Spiritual practice comes along with healing and psychic protection. There are healing methods with sounds, guided meditation, healing stones, sage, gong, singing bowls, chimes, herbs, and more.

The more mistakes you make, the better you learn. Remember that you can not expect a different result when doing the same thing over and over again.

You fail when:
1. You get stuck in the negatives. 
2. You stop listening to your intuition.
3. Your emotions are out of control.
4. You don't get the clear picture; the third eye is overactive or off.
5. You oversee your limit.
6. You become delusional.

"There should be no rush." I understand the overwhelming feeling in and outside the body of the trainee. When more than one psychic ability breaks through at once, you may not know which one to improve first.

"Take one at a time," Easily said and done too. Believe me. You can focus on one as a priority and read about other psychic abilities along the way.

What you should not do is practice one week each and go back and forth. You will run in a circle and be on a roller coaster. Your price is anxiety and confusion.

Keep in mind. Some psychic abilities need more time to develop than others. Enjoy the scenery along the way, take as much knowledge, and pile up experiences. There will be a lot to tell when you succeed.

You can buy a book for psychic development, join online classes, subscribe to newsletters, buy finished products: guided meditations, binaural beats, etc.

Understanding the structure, materials, and meanings come first.
What are psychic abilities? What is the sixth sense? Are they the same thing? Yes.

The sixth sense is enhanced by God's physical five senses (seeing, smelling, hearing, feeling, tasting). All heightened senses are the sixth sense to perceive and receive on the physical and spirit realms.

The most common psychic abilities.
The sensitive sense of seeing (Clairvoyance), 
smelling (Clairalience), hearing (Clairaudience), feeling (Clairsentience), tasting (Clairgustance), knowing (Claircognizance), Seeing the future (Premonition), Seeing the past (Retrocognition).

The most common spiritual abilities on earth are Clairsentience (advanced) or Empath (beginner to intermediate) and Clairvoyance (Clear seeing from things that don't exist on the physical plane). Empath gifts open doors to other spiritual gifts. In short-being sensitive is the foundation to all psychic gifts. You can be sensitive but strong at the same time.

"One learns best from experience, especially from the tough ones." And often, it's a long process!

When medication, yoga, and therapy no longer contribute to the inner well-being of the soul. People are looking for ancient methods, shamans, spiritual teachings, and practices to overcome the tremendous rocky mountain in the heart - virtually speaking.

The awakening of the soul. Read about spiritual awakening here.
Your soul is not in the foreground but your physical body in a situation where the body can't take anymore, e.g., illnesses, losses (broken heart), unconsciousness. The soul steps out and takes control as a commander.

The soul steps out of its comfort zone to protect and guide the body when the body can take no more. Sounds good. But it is not that simple. 

"The strength comes from within." To reconcile body and soul to become a profound kung fu fighter or an ancient warrior who can use the body to fight to stay alive. Next is to learn to combine the body (the shell, physical matter) and soul (soul energy, consciousness, superconsciousness). 

You may notice your intuition increases when you are in the awakening phase. Learn to listen and trust your intuition. Call it your higher self. It has a direct connection with God, Angels, the universe. and -All that is-.

It is a long road with confusion, psychic attacks, energy attachments (unwanted) — the unavoided bad sides of spiritual learning. The world is full of colors, from light to dark. And so, the energy goes from positive to negative.

You may take an easy road by ignoring your gifts, but deep down, you know you possess one or more superpowers; call it super intuition, super smell, or else.

You don't have to become a psychic when you practice your psychic abilities. You can use your gifts in daily life in a business deal to protect or heal yourself, your family, or your friends. 
It can only be a win-win opportunity. For the greater good. Of cause.


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