
Signs you are born with light language, 5 Steps to speaking light language.

Light language is a form of communication that goes beyond the limitations of spoken language. It is a universal language that is understood by the soul and the heart rather than the mind. Light language is said to be a form of energetic communication that carries information, healing, and transformational frequencies. Speaking light language involves using a combination of sounds, tones, and gestures that are not necessarily understood by the conscious mind but are felt on a deeper level. It is believed that light language can activate dormant parts of our DNA, clear energetic blockages, and help us connect with our higher selves and the higher realms. Light language is a form of communication that goes beyond words and is believed to be a universal language of the soul. Those who are born with the ability to speak or understand light language are often considered to be highly intuitive and spiritually connected individuals. If you have ever felt like you are different from those arou

Darkness can´t destroy the light such as Lies can´t win against the truth. Moths to Flames.

Darkness can not destroy the light, just as dark matter and dark energy can't destroy the sun. The only thing that can destroy the sun is when it burns out. This concept may seem simple, but it holds a profound truth about the nature of light and darkness. Dark matter and dark energy are mysterious forces that comprise most of the universe's mass and energy. They are invisible and do not interact with light, making them difficult to detect and understand. Despite their enigmatic nature, dark matter and dark energy do not have the power to destroy the sun. The sun, a massive ball of burning gas, is a powerful source of light and energy that shines brightly in the darkness of space. Just as dark matter and dark energy cannot extinguish the sun, darkness itself cannot destroy the light. Light is a fundamental force of nature that illuminates the world around us and drives the processes of life. It symbolizes hope, knowledge, and understanding that shines through even the darkest

Mediumship Abilities: Are you a Medium? Are We All Born with the Gift?

Mediumship is the ability to communicate with spirits, often as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. While some may view mediumship as a mysterious and rare gift, others believe we are all born with the potential to develop this ability. Traits of Mediumship: Traits of mediumship abilities can vary from person to person, but some common characteristics may indicate a natural inclination towards mediumship. These traits include heightened intuition, sensitivity to energy, a strong connection to the spiritual world, and the ability to communicate with spirits. Ways to Connect with the Spirits: One of the critical aspects of mediumship is the ability to receive messages from spirits and relay them to the living. This can manifest in different ways, such as hearing voices, seeing visions, feeling physical sensations, or simply receiving intuitive insights. The Knowhow and Practice: While some individuals may have a natural talent for mediumship, it is also a skill that can b

The Ten Commandments.

The Ten Commandments, or the Decalogue, are moral principles fundamental to the Judeo-Christian tradition. These commandments were given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai and are considered the foundation of ethical behavior for believers. Breaking these commandments is believed to have serious consequences in this life and the afterlife. Commandments are rules or guidelines that are set in place to govern behavior and actions in various settings such as country laws, communities, workplaces, schools, and other areas. These commandments serve as a framework for individuals to maintain order, safety, and harmony within a society. The Ten Commandments are as follows: 1. You shall have no other gods before me. 2. You shall not make for yourself an idol. 3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 5. Honor your father and your mother. 6. You shall not murder. 7. You shall not commit adultery. 8. You shall not steal. 9. You shall n